Monday, September 23, 2019

Goodbye, Summer. Hello, Fall!

Last weekend was the last one for summer. We spent part of Saturday at Adventureland. 

It feels like it was just yesterday when we were there for our first day of summer.

We shopped at Costco, and the Queen of TP posed on her throne.

We've been doing this for four years...

Charlotte asked me, "Hey Dad, why did you take a picture of me wearing a costume and practicing the piano?"

I shrugged and replied, "Just because. Why are you wearing a costume and practicing the piano?"

She shrugged and replied, "Just because."

Summer is great, but I'm not sad to see it go. I'm not a summer-at-the-beach kind of guy. Shorts are fine, but I like it when the temperatures drops, and I can wear jackets and jeans.  I'd rather see breath puff from my mouth than have humidity blast me in my face. I don't like to shovel the driveway, but I also don't like to mow the yard. So that's a draw. Sure, I'd like to be home with my family, but we all need a break from each other. I'm fortunate that I have good friends who work at UHS, and I like the students in my classes. 

Fall is my favorite season. It runs from Sept. 23 to Dec. 21. During this time, we will have our anniversary dinner, Halloween candy, Thanksgiving turkey, and the cherry on top is that fall ends on the first day of winter break. Christmas will be hiding around the kitchen corner holding a plate of frosted cookies. There will be corn mazes, apple orchards, and pumpkin patches, too!

There is so much fun heading our way. 

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