Monday, October 28, 2019

A Trunk, a Market, a Maze, a Party, and a Confirmation

St. Stephen Lutheran Church, United Church of Christ, and Covenant Christian Church got together for their annual Trunk or Treat event last Wednesday.

Can you find Charlotte in this group from St. Stephen?

Here's our trunk. It's not as intricate as some of the other trunks, but we put some effort into it. Daphne was going for scary eyes, but one kid said, "It's Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon!" Ummm... yeah! It is Toothless. Good job, you figured it out!

Actually, yes. We have seen this wizard.

Saturday was the last Downtown Farmers' Market of the year. It was fun to see people dressed for Halloween.

Batman was on the scene.

Here's our last to-go container of poffertjes for Maggie. Bittersweet. 

In the afternoon, we searched the corn maze.

Can you see the hidden marker?

 Char did!

We were invited to a family reunion on Sunday. This group was on Daphne's mother's side, and everyone had a Czech background. The food followed suit.

There were three dogs at the party, and it was fun watching them run around begging for food and attention. They went crazy when the doorbell would ring. The graying black lab was weaving under tables looking for scraps, and the bulldog grunted appreciation when you petted his head. It sounded like a cat's purr.

More than anything, those dogs confirmed that taking Mags to the vet is the right thing to do. She isn't living like that anymore. She's no longer interested in her dinner. She barks out of duty, but doesn't want to make the effort to get up. She spends her day slowly moving from one sleeping spot to the another. She could live like this for another month, but I don't want to put her through that.

Maggie lost her balance last week while eating, and we're worried it would happen when she is near a staircase. We want her to pass away in peace and not in pain.

When our cat Chip died, the vet sent us a card that read, "Sometimes the kindest thing we can do for our pets is to say goodbye." I have parent teacher conferences tonight. We'll say goodbye on Tuesday.

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