Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thrift Store Show and Tell: Blitzkrieg Edition

While Charlotte and Daphne were in Coralville learning how to make Grandma Ruth's buttermilk biscuits, I had Des Moines to myself. I decided to blitzkrieg the local thrift stores! In five hours I hit three Goodwill stores, two thrift stores, and two flea markets.
Let's review the booty!

$2.39 - You might not believe this, but Wolverine will be a fun "date night" movie with Daphne. She's a closet superhero fan.

$2.79 - Lords of Dogtown: Music from the Motion Picture is a great fuzz-rock mix tape from the 70's. The only missteps are the modern songs. Rise Against pales in comparison to the other bands on this.

$1.59 - This Abercrombie and Fitch belt looks a little beat up, but I think that's the point.

$5.00 - Seriously, five bucks for an Atari? Okay! I don't care if it's filthy, it's supposed to snow 6 inches tonight. I'll have a lot of cleaning time tomorrow.

$2.00 - An extra pair of Atari paddles are pretty handy if you're in a spirited game of Warlords.

It's a sickness; I know. I can't turn down a $1 Walkman... you just never know when you need one.

50 cents - The Marvelous Magical Burger King can turn onions into rings, the rings into a chain, and then make the chain do stuff? I better drink out of his glass!

$1.99  - I am a firm believer that a vintage Snap-on screwdriver works better than any other screwdriver on earth.

75 cents - Winter Break Reading:

In my rush, I'm not sure I should have picked up this copy of The Mind Brothers. That discoloration on the cover looks like mold, and the whole book is lousy with it. If you put a moldy book on your book shelf, then you'll infect your whole collection as the mold jumps from book to book. It's a small waste of money, but it's best to give the moldy book the boot.

This ex-library book by Richard Laymon isn't a waste, though. Laymon's a badass.

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