Friday, December 13, 2013

A Morning In The Life

Woke up, fell out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, I noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat... 

"A Day in the Life" The Beatles

Because Daphne has 7 a.m. Jazz Band rehearsals on Mondays and Thursdays, it's just Char and I on those mornings. To get a jump on the day, I try to get up early.

By 5:40 I'm in the shower.

By 5:55 I'm picking out clothes. Hopefully, they're manlier than that shower curtain.

At 6:00 I have to make sure the cats get fed, and that Earl doesn't steal Bo's food. He's a squinty thief.

Maggie gets breakfast, too. And then she needs to go out to go potty.

Next I start making Char a simple breakfast.

But then a barky Maggie scratches the door to be let back in. 

At 6:15, I bring a sippy cup of milk to Char's room, and I start the process of waking her up. But then Maggie starts barking that she needs to out again. This time she's in the basement.

Back upstairs it's time to get Char to also go potty. Charlotte has moved up to using the "big girl" potty, and this is a very big deal at our house. 

While she's on the potty, I get her dressed for the day.

While Char eats at the kitchen counter and watches a "kid's show" on my laptop,

I run upstairs to get the important, morning brushes.

But not before I have to run downstairs to let in a dog whose barks are threatening to wake up the neighborhood. It's 6:45.

Time to pack up her lunch.

And then ten seconds later I have to yell at Bo to stop digging in her lunch.

Some mornings it's harder to find her shoes...  (what a frustrating five minutes)

... than it is to get them on.

At 6:55 it's time to put on coats and quickly brush her hair.

But before I can put on her hat and take off for the day,

I have to knock the cat off the counter.

And then make sure I filled the "treat fish" with the right marshmallows for our drive to day care.

Except for driving the car, I didn't sit down once during the first two hours of my day, and I was still three minutes late for work. And I only have one kid.

Well, at least you can't say I didn't try.


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