Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Purple Reign

Daphne's dad lives just outside of St. Louis, and driving back from a visit one summer we stopped at a McDonald's in Bowling Green. After taking my order, the gal behind the counter asked for my name. I told her "Brent".

"Could you repeat that?"

"B r e n t," I slowly replied.

"Ummm, okay."

I left the counter, found our booth, and waited for my two double hamburgers - no pickles. I've never been a fan of Mickey D pickles on my burger. 

A few minutes later I hear the girl at the counter ask, "Prince?"

Laughing a little, I looked over to see who was using that name.  I didn't see anyone move, but this same McDonald's employee is staring straight at me. "PRINCE!" she yells while holding my eye contact.

As I'm slowly walking up to her, I can hear people snickering. When I get there to the counter, lo and behold, I see the girl is beholding a tray with two double hamburgers on it. 

"Here's your order, Prince. Have a good day."

I thanked her, and went back to our booth where Daph and I promptly broke out into stifled laughter. How she got "Prince" out of "Brent", I have no idea. She had even written "Prince" on the receipt, and I had it on our fridge for over a year... you never know when you have to pull the "But-I'm-a-Prince!" card out during an argument.

FYI: Despite my request, those burgers did come with pickles.  Looks like they don't give royalty much respect at the Golden Arches.

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