Thursday, May 3, 2012

Of Note

The environment at my work isn't always a positive one. As seen on my department's refrigerator:

The bathroom isn't a place to hide from negativity, either:

So, on a more positive note: 

Twice a week Daphne has to leave early to get ready for her 7:00 AM jazz band rehearsals. So, I'm the one getting Char ready on those mornings. Daphne hates any time work takes her away from her little girl, so I always try to send a quick email so Mom knows how our morning went. Not that Daphne doesn't trust me or anything...

Here's the email from the 23rd:

Char cried a little when she discovered only Dad was home this morning, but she recovered quickly. We went out to the kitchen for some milk, and she sat on my lap while I sat on the bench and sang her made up "Good Morning" songs. She must have like the songs, because she kept requesting me to sing another, "Moring, moring!".

Charlotte then carried her Easter egg basket with her to the changing table, and did a really nice job of letting me get her dressed. She didn't really want to give up her basket, and I really didn't want her to take it to day care, so I distracted her with a yellow bunny Peep. In the car she drank her sippy of milk and happily chewed on her "Hop Hop". By the time we got there she had sticky fingers, a goatee of yellow sugar, and I think I heard a milk burp."

Really, we should all have such a good morning.

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