Monday, April 2, 2012


Today I noticed that one of the sophomore girls in my class is wearing large hoop earrings. Inside each hoop, suspended by tiny chains, is the gold word "Juicy".

That reminds me of the road construction crews I worked with my buddy Bob during our college summers. We were just local help who would work the roads while the crew was in our part of the state. As soon as the job was done in our area, the crew would move to another county. And happily our jobs would be done. 

I have a lot of road crew stories. This one's short.

I think Bob and I called the regular crew members "lifers", but each man had his own nickname, usually assigned through job or odd quirk. I.E., the guy who drove the steamroller was "Hot Rod", the guy who wore a shark tooth necklace was "Tooth Fairy, and "Juicy" was the one who stuffed huge wads of tobacco between his cheeks and gum. Part time help didn't merit nicknames. "Rich college kids" like myself were simply hated by the lifers (as if rich kids work really worked on road crews).
Anyway, back to her earrings. I don't know what image that little girl is hoping her Juicy jewelry is projecting, but I bet it's not long streams of blackened spit.
I hated that job.

PS. If you were a college kid on the road crew, and you felt something wet hit your bare back while you were bent over shoveling out a hole, it wasn't rain - it was Juicy spitting on you.


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