Monday, June 24, 2013

Cat Bed Update

I finally dried my eyes and took a picture of Char's new "Big Girl Bed". I have to remind myself that the older Charlotte gets, the more fun she is. Really, this new piece of furniture should be cause for celebration.

The transition from crib to big girl bed has not been seamless. Like a lot of people who have been behind bars for a while, Char's new found freedom can be a bit much for her. I can testify that her room is much messier after "nap time" than it was before. And actual bedtime as compared to "Goodnight Charlotte" time has about a 45-minute delay, but she'll figure it out.

The bed's great for Char, but every door with a pink oval slides open. Char thinks it's funny to slide a door shut with Bobo trapped inside. So far, the only way to get Charlotte to see that this isn't funny is to threaten her, "I'm just gonna take him outside and give him to another little girl who won't be mean to him." The idea of another girl even holding Bobo did the trick, and we filled the "hiding places" with buddies and blankets as another safe guard. But it's not like the cats don't play in the furniture on their own.

That also doesn't mean our cat challenges are over. I'm constantly worried Char will pull a Lennie, as in Of Mice and Men. Here are some sentences recently spoken/ yelled at our house.

"Char! You can't pick him up by his back leg!"
"Don't slap his body. You have to pet gently."
"He can't breathe when you do that."
"No. Earl is not your pillow."
"You cannot carry kitties by their necks!"
"Charlotte! He was sleeping! Nobody wakes you up by blowing a whistle in your ear."
"Oh, honey, I know that bite hurts, but he was trying to tell you, 'No, I don't want my head folded over like that'".

For everyone's' sake, I hope she figures this out, too.

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