Friday, November 8, 2019

About Time

Flix showed a different Harry Potter film on each day of spring break a few years ago. That was such an awesome idea. It was too bad that the movies would have been too much for Char at that time. I’ve been lamenting that we missed that week ever since. 

Last week I received an email that Flix was going to show the films again! I was so pumped. We checked our schedules, and purchased tickets for last night’s showing of Goblet of Fire. That’s my favorite film in the series, and it’s fair to say I’ve been waiting to see it at Flix for years. 

They had a special Hogwarts menu, and everyone received a pin that represented the horcrux made out of Salazar Slytherin's Locket. 

A drawing was held before the movie. There were winners from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Durmstrang Institute, and the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. But then a fourth name was magically drawn. How did that happen?

None of our names were chosen, but Char did get a butter beer. I asked her what it tasted like, and she replied, "So good!" Charlotte drank the whole thing. That doesn't usually happen. She often pushes away from the table halfway through a shake.

Charlotte really liked seeing Harry Potter on the big screen, but the film is 2h and 32m long. She was shot by the time it was over. We got home about an hour later than her bedtime, and she fell into the covers. It's all good; eating breakfast in the car this morning gave her an extra 35 minutes to sleep.

That did confirm that I don't need to buy her concert tickets next month to see JD McPherson's Christmas show. It's an all ages show at Wooly's, but it's also on a Thursday night. I don't think JD will hit the stage until after 9. There's no way she make it through that one. We'll just enjoy his CD in our car.

Maybe I'll just have to wait a few years for JD to come back to Des Moines. That worked for seeing Harry.

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