Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Bug Update: Grounds Keeper

The time I've spent on the Bug's electrical system has taught me that having power means nothing if you aren't grounded (think Lindsay Lohan).

With this in mind, I've been wondering why the Bug turns over so slowly even though the battery is charged. I'll turn the key and hear, "ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh," before it starts. Or if the battery is low, "ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh, ruh... click, click, click."

I installed a new battery two years ago, and I remember cleaning the cables that connect to the battery. But I didn't know that I should also clean the surface the ground cable is bolted to. If the contact point for the ground is dirty, then it doesn't matter how shiny the cable is.

I removed the battery's ground cable and used a wire brush to clean that area last night. I returned the cable when I was satisfied that I could see a decent amount of bare metal.

Wow, that's a difference! I was hoping the car would turn over faster, but I didn't expect the motor to pop to life so quickly. If this keeps up, I might even dare drive the Bug on errands.

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