Thursday, May 20, 2021

For the Birds

Last year I read an online article that listed all the things you could do while being trapped inside your home during a pandemic. It was pretty depressing. I did laugh out loud when the author suggested that I could pick up bird watching as a hobby. Seriously? Bird watching?

No businesses in Iowa were open besides gas stations and grocery stores in March of 2020. The grocery store shelves were almost empty, and I felt like a hero when I found liquid dishwasher soap for Daphne. I texted this picture to her and asked, "Is this the soap you're looking for?" 

She replied, "YES! THANK YOU!!!" She asked me to buy both bottles so her sister could also have one.

Toliet paper was such a hot commodity the stores didn't bother putting it on the shelf. This "one-per-person" supply was gone in less than an hour.

No one was driving anywhere. The busy street by our house was as empty as a grocery shelf. For the first time since I was teenager, I paid 98 cents for a gallon of gas.

The schools weren't open, and Char didn't have the option of attending school remotely, yet. Zoom was still a foreign territory. The weather was bitterly cold, and all of the free time inside was driving Charlotte (and us) crazy. We played board games, but you can only play "Life" so many times before it feels like you don't have one. 

Daphne developed a 9 to 2 schedule that Char could follow to occupy our time. To quote my mother-in-law, Deb, "Everybody does better on a schedule." 

Daphne and Charlotte repainted Char's dresser to look like something you'd find in Minecraft. They also added Minecraft curtains, sheets, and pillow cases. 

By May Char was doing actual 4th grade school work and attending Google meetings with her classmates and Mr. Kirby. We didn't tell her the work was optional (shhhh...). When June arrived, Charlotte exclaimed, "I am sooo glad school is over!" 

I grilled quite a bit. I only use charcoal, and I'm a huge fan of two zone cooking. Those brat burgers look like they're almost done.

Daphne and I walked together every morning, and that's about as much traveling as we did. I set my step goal at 13,000 steps, and we hit that almost everyday. 

I didn't blog much. I average about 130 posts a year. I wrote 49 posts in 2020, and only 10 during that summer. I wasn't busy or being lazy. I just didn't have anything nice to say.

With a life stuck on repeat, nature became much more interesting. This squirrel on our deck spied on us for over an hour. It was such a big deal I used to reminisce about it, "Remember that time when that squirrel..."

It was also pretty exciting when this duck took a brief liking to our pond.

Fast forward one year...

When we came back to school after spring break 20212, everyone noticed that some geese had taken a liking to the UHS building.

Since then, this has been a typical view from my classroom

I'll have to admit, I find them really entertaining.

Holy cow! I have become a bird watcher.

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