Thursday, October 26, 2017

Sing Me a Story

The Karen Acres music program put on their fall concert on Tuesday night. 

My chest tightens anytime I see my daughter's name in print. I don't know if that is caused by pride, love, or fear for her. It's probably a mix of all three.

I thought Charlotte might be nervous when she saw the crowd. But as soon as she was on the stage, she smiled broadly and gave her mom the *heart* sign.

Daphne suspects that Charlotte was lip syncing for part of the concert, but Char was doing her part during this song. 

Charlotte had a line to learn last year. This year she got to perform a cabasa solo instead.

When Daphne first told me Char was going to play the cabasa, I thought she said the kielbasa

I knew that wasn't right, but I was still hoping they'd have food at the concert. They didn't. So, we finished the night by going to Orange Leaf. I was too busy eating salted caramel fro yo with nuts, M&Ms, and peanut butter sauce to take a picture, though.

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