Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dam to Dam Recap

Yep, I ran the 20k, but no one cares about that - even me. Daphne ran the 5k, and no one really cares about that - even Daphne. So why am I writing about the 2012 Dam to Dam road race?

Char ran the 100.

Note: all one-year-olds get a number 1 racing number. (Also notice Charlotte's grimace when asked to smile. She always makes this face, unless she's at the Omaha Zoo being held by dad and he makes the same face. That's when she smiles sweetly.)

As we lined up a lot of the kids were suprised at Charlotte's size, and many cried because they thought we had unfairly brought in a ringer:

Okay, that's not true. Anytime you place a large group of one-year-olds and their parents together; tears are bound to be shed. When the gun when off, Daphne and I held Char's hands as she ran as fast as she could. We didn't beat the kid whose dad started him off two seconds early, but we were satisfied with our finish:

I forgot I was wearing my finisher's medal (having it gets me free beer!), but soon after I was wasn't the only one with runner bling:

The "finisher's line glow" hadn't even worn off, and Charlotte was already repeating her favorite word: "AGAIN!" So,  Mom and Char took off to run another block together:

PS. I was selfishly disappointed that my finishing time was a few minutes slower than I had anticipated. But then I remembered that every time I left home for a long training run, Daphne stayed home with Charlotte so I could train. Really, just getting to run the 20k was a privilege.

No matter the event, parenting is a team sport.

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