Monday, October 11, 2021

“Once more unto the maze, dear friends, once more.”*

* apologies to William Shakespeare

This was our 6th year to search the Pumpkinville Corn Maze, but it was first time that Charlotte brought a friend with her. I edited her friend out of the obligatory Maze Entrance Photo. I'm not sure how her parents would feel about her being on the blog.

The temp was predicted to be 85 degrees, so we arrived when the maze opened at 10 AM. I was worried that it would be miserably hot in the corn field by the afternoon, but we were fine. The day was overcast and windy. It felt like autumn.

I would have booked a campfire if it would have been about 20 degress cooler: 

"Campfires are available but must be pre-scheduled. We get the fire going for you, provide adidtional wood, roasting sticks, picnic tables and chairs. Bring your own food and beverages, roast hot dogs and marshmallows! If you have a large group have folks bring folding chairs. Electrical hook-ups can be arranged for $10. Campfire cost:  Campfires are $25 for the first two hours and $10 for each additional hour."

We split into two teams. We went left. The girls went right.

Sure, the design looks small on paper, but my Fitbit had counted 13,000 steps by noon (we had walked our dog that morning, too.) I wore my Adel Sweet Corn Festival t-shirt to match the day's theme.

Charlote and her friend enjoyed shopping for pumpkins and gourds more than traversing the maze. I walked around and took pictures to kill time.  

Daphne and I had a fall wedding, and we decorated the reception tables with white pumpkins. They were harder to find 19 years ago. I'll always have a soft spot for them. 

When it comes to nostalgia, I don't think anything beats traditional, orange pumpkins. 

It was fun and worrisome to part ways with Charlotte and her friend (I won't even get into maze symbolism.) As we walked up the first row I said, "This feels so weird. We've never been in here by ourselves..." Daphne nodded in agreement. Then I added, "But no one is going to complain a whole bunch and ask to sit on our shoes, either." Daphne laughed.

We all had cell phones. Char checked in every 20 minutes or so by calling or texting. She was really good about it. Sure, technology is great, but holding a phone is not the same as holding a hand. At one point I spotted Charlotte laughing and running down a row about 30 yards parallel to us. She had no idea I was there or how relieved I was to see her. 

I know that children have to grow up, but giving your kid freedom can be scarier than any Halloween movie. 

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