Friday, March 6, 2020

Vacation Plans

I like good meals, but I also like fast food... wait, does that even make sense? Anyway, the nearest fast food restaurant was an hour away when I was a kid. Eating fast food was a real treat at that time, and I haven't been able to shake that notion.

Daphne does not enjoy fast food like I do, so when I have a whole day to myself, I sometimes stretch my lunch to include more than just one fast food stop. 

I took a personal day last October, and I started my afternoon at a McDonald's drive thru with a double burger. It's not as filling as a quarter pounder, but there's more meat than the regular burger.


I stopped by Ted's Coney Island for a coney dog an hour later. I tried to get artistic with the ketchup.

Dessert was at Tasty Tacos. I only ordered one original flour taco, and that's not as easy as it sounds.

We are currently planning our family trip in June. Once again, we're heading to another part Canada. This time we will be exploring New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. We've already made lists of restaurants that we want to visit, but I have been doing some research on the side.

I know from experience that I begin to crave something familiar after days of travel. Sometimes McDonald's just sounds really good.

But McDonald's is the last place Daphne wants to go when we are on vacation, "Why would I eat there when there are so many other places we haven't tried?" It's a good argument. But seriously, she knows me, so if we even walk by a McDonald's, she'll actually speed up and pretend that it isn't there.

We were on Prince Edward Island four years ago when I spotted this sign advertising McLobsters. Daphne grudgingly agreed when I argued that this would be my only chance to try one. Honestly, the sandwich wasn't great, but it is fun to say that I've had a McLobster, and I got a regular burger, too.

Cargo pants - a dad's best friend.

This time I won't be able to use the McLobster defense, so I have to plan ahead if I want to get inside another  Canadian Mickey D's. What else do they have that I can't order here? Let's check their online menu.

I'm surprised that these double burgers aren't a thing in the US. That tower they call the Double Big Mac looks too big to comfortably bite into. 

Why isn't this a "Half Pounder with Cheese"? Call a tiger a tiger.

Given a choice, I'd go with the Double Pounder w/o cheese. I might feel slightly less guilty as I waddled out into the sunshine. 

Although you can't get those doubles in America (unless you combine two burgers yourself), I don't think they have the draw needed to get Daphne through the door.

She likes cake, and McDonald's doesn't sell it here, but she'd argue that there are already too many good bakeries to visit in Canada.

The power of the Cadbury Creme Egg would do it, and I'm sure Char would also be all in, but this is a limited-time item, and I don't think they will make it to June. (Why isn't this in America? It looks awesome!)

This will be the ace up my sleeve. 

I'll say, "I know for a fact you like their french fries, so we at least have to try their poutine." Then when I order, I'll just sneak in the Half Pounder w/o cheese.  

It might work...

PS. If we ever get to England, and I get sick of bangers for breakfast, I'm going to their Golden Arches. To quote Charlotte, "Mmmm... bacon."

I suppose I could make this at home. They did give away their secrete recipe. 

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