Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I'll admit it. Sitting in an elementary gym watching a "Sock Hop" wasn't the first place I wanted to be on a Friday night.

Here's the deal. The school advertises these events all week, and Charlotte doesn't say anything about them. Then on Friday she talks to all her friends at school, and they convince her she she has to go. Or not. Sometimes she comes home on Friday afternoon and tells me the great news that she doesn't want to go to said event. She doesn't always follow the crowd.

Last Friday afternoon Char opened the door from the garage and announced, "Dad! Guess what? I'm going to a Sock Hop!"

Heavy sigh.

Daphne reasoned that after missing two days of school, running around with her friends would be good for Charlotte. And as usual, Daphne was right. But calling it a "Sock Hop" would be misleading. This would be better described as "Karen Acres Presents: An Unorganized Recess with a DJ and Balloons."

The third graders were well represented. I recognized or knew several kids by name. (That dad with the beard was once a freshman in my English 9 class. I am so old.)

Charlotte didn't stop moving from 6:35 to 8:02. I could not get a good picture - she was just a blur. Also, balloons are a very big deal.

The one time she tried to stand still was for the "Hokey Pokey." She's on the right.

Let's see how long that lasts.

Yep. She made it seven seconds. It's the allure of the balloons, my friends.

Her eyes were already closed by the time she got in the backseat of our car. When I asked if she had a good time, she just smiled.

I'd call that a successful Friday night.

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