Thursday, December 14, 2023

It's the Mountech 2000!

Check out the graphic design on this TV wall mount's packaging.

I almost bought this at the thrift store just so I could cut out the front of the box and frame it. You just don't see fun and nonsensical artwork like this in advertising anymore. 


That cat on the TV reminds me of my old cat Brody. When my niece and nephews were really young, they liked to watch the Teletubbies. For some reason, Sioux Falls, SD stopped broadcasting the show, so I volunteered to video tape the program for the kids. 

The show was on from 6:30 -7 AM, and for some reason Brody loved watching it. He'd come a running as soon as he heard that baby sun's giggle. Brody would lay on my bed with his paws tucked in while he watched the action. His head would jerk back as each Teletubbies leaped out of that hole in the curved roof. If a rabbit jumped off screen he's jump down from the bed and bat the side of the TV to try to make it come back. 

He never made it through an entire episode. I think staring at the screen made him tired. I'd find him asleep in a ball on the carpet after about fifteen minutes.

I'd smile down at him and whisper, "That's okay, buddy. We'll watch it again tomorrow." And we would.

I still miss my old roommate.

Sidebar #2:

I texted the picture of the Mountech 2000 to Charlotte. I thought she'd think it was funny. She did, but she also texted back the song we had made up on the way back from Great Bend, Kansas. We were excited with our new puppy, Ellie, but we'd been in the car for over 11 hours, and we were a bit punchy.

That was three and a half years ago, and I can't tell you how many times we have come home and either Charlotte or I or both sing those lyrics to our dog. 

It's strange how these things get started. Something is a joke for a moment and then it's forgotten. Other things stick for years. I think our short song has staying power.

Like turning to Daphne and saying, "You're tired, too, aren't you, fool." (Inside joke.)

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