Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The End of Her Elementary Days

Last Friday was Char's last day as a 5th grader.  We took a selfie after our last ride to Karen Acres together. I'll admit to tearing up a bit when I drove away.

Due to building constuction, Char had to transfer to a different school after kindergarten. We chose to send her to Karen Acres for first grade. We chose well. The last five years at this school have been so good for her. The work these teachers do humbles me.

The 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony was at two o'clock. Both Daphne and I were able to attend.

We were proud to learn that Charlotte was one of the students chosen by her peers to give a speech at the ceremony. I think it was brave for a kid who has been in speech therapy for five years and battles a stutter to stand in front of a crowd and speak.

I thought I was filming Char accepting her certificate, but I forgot to press the red record button on my phone. So, like a fool, I just watched her walk across the gym through my phone's screen. 

It's not on a certificate, but Ms. Johnston has won Char's "Favorite Teacher" award. 

The school has a "Clap Out" at the end of the ceremony. All of the students in the other grades line the halls of the school and applaud and cheer as the 5th grade parades through the building. Their walk ends outside with the parents clapping, too. 

After the Clap Out, I was able to go into KA with Char to gather her things. It was weird. Usually I walk her to her locker or room each morning, but Covid kept me out of the building. This was the first time I had seen Char's locker. 

Charlotte cried on the way to the car. Hard. Really hard. She was so sad to be leaving elementary school. Next year she be going to school with so many more kids. I understand how that could be intimating. 

I took her to Game Day to see if we could win any of the prizes in their claw machines. We did. And Char felt better.

One of her classmates was kind enough to throw a "bash" for all of the 5th graders at her house at 5:00. We dropped off Char and proceeded to drown our sorrows in drinks, chips, salsa and queso. 

Onto middle school...

Why do I have the feeling that the roller coaster is just beginning to climb the hill?

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