Monday, August 26, 2019

Iowa State Fair '19

We went to the Iowa State Fair three times this year, and this post is a combination of those days. Ignore the wardrobe changes. 

When I found this tee at Goodwill, I felt confident that I had a perfect shirt to wear at the Iowa State Fair. Who doesn't love cheese curds? Probably a lot of people, but I don't hang out with them for long.

Hmmm. I think one curd is missing, but I don't know how that happened. 

This year Char entered a couple of the Fair's food competitions. Here's her Ugly Cake entry. It's a sidewalk with a dropped candy bar covered with ants (sprinkles). Also, there are Cheetos dipped in melted chocolate to resemble either sticks or poop. Probably poop.

We didn't think she would win, but we were excited to see her cake the Fair. Sadly, we could not. They placed a toilet cake smack dab in front of it.

We went to the back of the display, and I pulled the curtain back so she could pose with her cake. This is a fake smile. She was pretty upset no one would see her hard work. Later, I found a volunteer working in the Food Center, and he rearranged the display for us. 

Here's a real smile. Char won a Blue Ribbon in the Candy Chemistry competition. She made "Pop Choco-Worms" by dipping Gummy Worms in melted white chocolate and sprinkling Pop Rocks over the top. It was all her idea. 

Daphne took home a 3rd place ribbon in the Carrot Cake division. 

I won an award, too!

Okay, not really. But the award for best cotton candy, as determined by Charlotte, goes to this stand. 

You can buy cotton candy in a bag for $4, but it's only $3 on a stick. And when it is on a stick, it is bigger than her head.

The second time the cotton candy was even bigger. One girl walked by us and snarled at Char, "Think you got enough?" Charlotte just smiled and took a dive face-first into her puffy cloud of sugar.

She had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on a stick later. That's a bit healthier.

Our first visit to the ISF was on a stormy Sunday morning.

The rain didn't keep me from eating a pork chop on-a-stick breakfast.

Char wanted just bacon for breakfast. We are raising her right.

It was sunny a week later, and we rode the ferris wheel that time.

Pork Belly Burnt Ends with onion rings. I need not say more.

Spin Art is a ISF tradition. 

 So is standing in front of a fan when you get too hot.

Man, the 80's are back. Can I grow my mullet now?

Char wanted nothing to do with Scotch Eggs and Gravy.

But she liked the Mini Cinni Buns with frosting.

Daphne and I saw James Taylor on the Grandstand years ago, and I've seen the Goo Goo Dolls there, too.

But I was seven when my parents took my sister and I to see Johnny Cash. The highlight for me was "Once Piece at a Time." I also remember when June Carter Cash came on stage. A man sitting behind us exclaimed, "Look how long her hair is! I bet she washes it every time she uses the bathroom!" That joke isn't very funny, but for some reason I never forgot it.

I often wonder what Fair memories are going to stay with Charlotte? Blue Ribbons are great, but I hope she remembers how much fun we all had together.

Love ya, kid.

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