Thursday, May 30, 2024

My Last Day of School Theory

I'm not a negative guy, but I do count down how many days of a vacation I have spent versus how many vacation days I have left. So, if I'm on a 10-day vacation, I go to bed thinking something like How can it be Thursday night already? We only have three days left...

But I won't be thinking that tonight!

Char was done with school last Friday, but the teachers in the Urbandale School District had to make up three snow days. That's okay with me. I remember how excited Char was for those snow days. They were worth it.

So, I'll leave the building at 3:30 and my '23-'24 school year will come to an end. And here's my theory about that: I don't think I'm officially on summer vacation until the calendar flips the page at midnight tonight.


Well, that means everything that happens this afternoon and evening is a freebie. I don't have work tomorrow, but I won't have spent even one second of summer vacation until 12:00 AM. 

And that feels pretty good.

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