Friday, July 10, 2015

Some Views from June

The blog has been still for awhile, but we haven't. In June I took two classes for grad credit and Daphne took one. Char's been to Zoo Camp, Safety City, and St. Charles. Here's some other stuff we've been doing.

This one of my better ideas for killing time. I trace a few chalk outlines of Char's body, and then she gives herself some chalk outfits.

Char's newest favorite color is yellow.

We spent an afternoon in Story City during their Scandinavian Days celebration. After lunch in a local church we headed over to check out their carousel.

We're posers.

When we're at the Des Moines Arts Festival Charlotte is distracted by the downtown water features. This is how she got the one-day nickname, "The Girl from Soggy Bottom". She didn't like the name, but I thought it was funny.

American Dream Machines has an open house during the Arts Fest, and I like to do a little window shopping. The two VW Beetles for sale are much nicer than the one in my garage, but the '57 is priced at $26,900 and the '66 is $19,900, so I think I'll be driving mine for awhile.

Char likes the water, Daphne like the art, and I like the cars. What we can all agree on is the food. "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like." Yum.

Adventureland has been a popular destination, and although I don't enjoy them at all, the Dramamine medication does let Daphne and I to join Char on the "go around" rides that she loves. Lady Luck, Der Flinger, The Lighthouse, and the Scrambler are among Char's favorites.

For my money, the Sky Ride is the most terrifying ride in the park. I'm fine riding solo, but when Char sits next to me the chairs seem so flimsy, and my mind fills with worst-case scenarios. I put on a brave face so Char won't catch my fear of heights, but nothing feels better than the moment when our feet touch the ground.

 We spend a lot of time in the local libraries (I have six different cards). It's always a bonus if they have superhero capes for you to wear.

Char likes to pick out her own books, but I look them over before we take them home. Here's one we left on the shelf.

Sorry Ruby Roth, your illustrations are cute, but I'm not teaching my daughter that consuming milk and eggs is mean or disgusting.

I guess "P" is for Propaganda.

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