Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hey Big Spender

Like you, I didn't win last week's Powerball prize, but that's okay. I'm guaranteed to win the "Powerjar Jackpot".

One of the first things I do when I get home is to empty my pockets and put whatever loose change I have my change jar. (No pennies, though. They take up too much valuable space.) It's a habit I've had since I was a teenager.

The container takes about five months to fill, and I get a kick out of seeing how much "free money" is in there when I take the change to the bank.  I know this isn't really free money, but since it doesn't show up in any of bank accounts, it feels free. Actually, it feels better than that. Since this money was painless to save, it feels guilt free when I spend it.

How much do you think I have in here?

I'm guessing there's about $100. By today's standards, that doesn't seem like much money. But I first learned about financial planning in high school. Back in the 80's, $100 could buy a lot of cool stuff. For some reason, $100 still seems like a big sum to me. It's my monetary mullet.

Sometimes I blow my winnings on an old book I normally wouldn't buy, but I'm pretty sure this particular jar is full of used VW Bug parts. I'm curious to see how many things I can get with a C note.

Time to go to the bank.

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