Wednesday, January 2, 2013


A few years ago I was taking our dog Maggie for a walk around our neighborhood. As we passed by a bus stop, I spotted this note left on the sidewalk.

The note was obviously meant for me, so I stooped to pick it up. Here's what was written inside:

Actually, I didn't have any plans for the weekend, but that wasn't why I was smiling. The note wasn't addressed to anybody specific, and it wasn't signed by anyone, either. I immediately realized what a prize I had found. This note was perfect.
That night, right before bedtime, I slipped out to our garage and slipped the folded paper under my car's windshield wiper. Quite often Daphne has to leave for work well before I have to, and I knew she wouldn't miss seeing this note on my car. I've already written about how observant she is, and for once that was going to work to my advantage. 
The next morning, still lying in bed, I could hear the garage door rattle and rise. About 10 seconds later I heard the door to the garage slam shut, and footsteps rapidly ascending the stairs. Giggling, I waited for Daphne to burst into the room, which she did.
"What is this?" she demanded, holding the note like a trial lawyer exposing damning evidence. 
"That, my friend," I said while raising my fists over my head in triumph, "is COMIC GOLD!"

I explained where I found the note, and how I had planted it the previous night. She admitted it was a pretty good joke. But just pretty good. I thought it was an awesome joke.

Yes, my wife can read me like a book, but I know her pretty well, too.